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Bring the potential of ROZLYTREK® to life


offers convenient


oral dosing1

ROZLYTREK offers convenient once-daily, oral dosing1

  • The recommended dose for adults is 600 mg orally once-daily
  • ROZLYTREK can be taken with or without food



  • Adults: Recommended dose is 600 mg orally once-daily
  • Children 12 years and over: Recommended dose is 300 mg/m2 orally once-daily for those who can swallow whole capsules
  • Available in 100 mg and 200 mg hard capsules
  • Can be taken with or without food
    • No significant effect of food on bioavailability was observed

Paediatric dosing1

Body surface area 1.11-1.50m2 Once-daily does 400 mg, 1.51m2 or more 600 mg

ROZLYTREK dosing modifications


Temporary interruption, dose reduction or discontinuation of treatment with ROZLYTREK may help manage adverse reactions1


Dose Reduction Schedule of ROZLYTREK for Paediatric Patients BSA of 1.11 m2 to 1.50 m2
Starting Dose
400 mg once-daily
First Reduction
300 mg once-daily
Second Reduction
200 mg, for 5 days each week
(Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
  • ROZLYTREK should be permanently discontinued if patients are unable to tolerate the lowest reduced rate
Dose Reduction Schedule of ROZLYTREK for Adult Patients and Paediatric Patients BSA ≥ 1.51 m2
Starting Dose
600 mg once-daily
First Reduction
400 mg once-daily
Second Reduction
400 mg once-daily
  • ROZLYTREK should be permanently discontinued if patients are unable to tolerate the lowest reduced rate
Does Reduction for Specific Adverse Reactions


Download the ROZLYTREK Summary of Product Characteristics

To read the full product information:

This medicinal product is subject to additional monitoring. This will allow quick identification of new safety information. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions. See section 4.8 of the SmPC for details on how to report adverse reactions.


ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AR, adverse reaction; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BSA, body surface area; ms, millisecond; QT, time from the start of the Q wave to the end of the T wave; QTc, the corrected QT interval; SmPC, summary of product characteristics; ULN, upper limit of normal.


  1. ROZLYTREK Summary of Product Characteristics, 2020.